Maintain a Transit Stop

Join our Adopt-A-Stop program.

When you or your organization sign up to Adopt-a-Stop, you agree to help pick up litter and empty the COTA-provided trash receptacles at the adopted location. To show our gratitude, we’ll recognize you with a special plaque at your adopted stop. This helps promote your organization or business within the community. We also provide all necessary materials for cleaning your stop.

Thanks to the efforts of individuals, organizations and businesses in our community, we keep our transit stops clean and safe.

Your Responsibilities as an Adopter

As an Adopt-a-Stop sponsor, you are expected to:

  • Regularly empty the pole-mounted 10-gallon trash receptacle and pick up litter in the transit stop area at least once a week
  • Report any damage or graffiti to COTA property within the transit stop
  • Report any large or heavy items dumped illegally within the transit stop area

Our Responsibilities to You

We are committed to supporting you throughout the term of your adoption agreement. As such, we will:

  • Create and display a beautiful recognition sign with the name of you or your organization at the adopted stop location for the duration of the agreement
  • Provide a 10-gallon pole-mounted trash receptacle at the adopted transit stop location
  • Provide the adopting party with gloves and trash bags for the duration of the agreement


Ready to Adopt?

Please fill out this form to adopt a COTA transit stop in your community. You can also submit a paper version of this form to COTA Development (33 N. High St.). If you use internet explorer as your browser, please use the paper version of the form. A COTA representative will reach out to discuss next steps.

    Adopter Information

    Transit Stop Information

    If you have any additional questions, please email We look forward to receiving your application!